Finding Jobs Online and Researching Employers

Use online resources to make connections and learn about jobs.

Here are some tools you should use to make the most of the Internet during your job search:

  • Company websites can help you learn more about businesses or organizations. A company’s website is the first place you should go to research an employer. The quality and amount of information  on sites vary widely. You will often find vision and mission statements, a history of the organization, names of key leaders and supervisors, business goals, and job postings. Learn more about how to research employers.
  • Social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook can be an invaluable part of a job search. Visit Take your network online for information and tips on using these sites for job searching.
  • Job boards or job banks are the most common tool used to search for jobs on the Internet. Most let you search by keywords to find jobs. Many let you search by location, field, industry, or job title. However, don’t spend hours browsing job boards for openings. Your chances of finding a position listed on a job board are slim. Use the Job Finder to access four national websites that are updated daily, and learn how to post your resume online.
  • Online periodicals are an easy way to access newspapers, magazines, and trade journals. Trade journals have articles by industry experts, information on networking events, industry blogs, and job banks. To find a trade journal, try typing “trade journal directory” into a search engine. Your public library can also help you access databases of trade journals and professional associations.
  • Association websites have information on trends, volunteer or professional development opportunities, best practices, industry news, and a job board. Almost every industry has an association. You may need to be a member access to their content. Most charge annual fees. Some may have six-month memberships to give you time to see how useful the site is for your job search. Find professional associations.

Search engines are the main tool to finding information online. They search for keywords you enter and create a list of websites based on them. You can use this to track down jobs and learn more about companies. Google, Bing, and Yahoo are examples of popular search engines.

In addition, web browsers have many tools to help you make the most of your web searches. They remember the websites you visit and can pull them up in the future after just a few keystrokes. You can save and organize the sites you visit as bookmarks or favorites. This allows you to access them more easily later.

Be sure to also check out online networking websites. These can connect you with potential jobs, colleagues, and business opportunities.

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